Bente Leiknes Thorsen

portraits, foto: Andreas Ulvo

pictures from concerts


  • master in composition from the The Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH)
  • commissions from renowned ensembles and musicians
  • her music is performed here and there



  • has had quite a few positions in norwegian music organizations
  • in 2023 on the board of Kopinor



  • has taught composition at NMH, in high schools and in talent programs.
  • has held workshops in compositions for different ages and levels
  • personal tutoring in composition, at NMH and other settings, – at all levels up to masters.



  • has two kids
  • podcasts – the show Kompoddistene with Therese Birkelund Ulvo
  • runs a side hustle –  the used children’s book shop blokk Z


Bente Leiknes Thorsen’s music brings together everyday sounds and instrumental poetry, politics and the private, musical instrument and human voice. Her use of voice often emerges as the very interface or bridge between the musical and the social. Voices occur in her music in many forms: as classically trained singing, in recordings of children’s voices, when instrumentalists are asked to sing while playing or when the composer herself comments on her own musical sequences.


text: Hild Borchgrevink

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