Birds and bells – world premiere

Last friday The Norwegian Radio Orchestra (KORK) performed the world premiere of my newest work “Birds and bells” at Operafest Røykenvik! In front of an audience of 1,600, they were situated on a large stage rigged at the water’s edge and played while we still felt the warmth of the evening sun.

It has been so much fun to work with KORK (as usual!) They commissioned a work that should fit in the festival – and as part of NRK’s Summer Concert (It will be on NRK1 Friday the 18th of August at 9.10pm) and I hope and believe that I managed to do so.

I have now made a page for the piece on this website and I am working on polishing and editing the score and voices so that it can be played again!

also from insta:

The next day :
Unpacking bird whistles and bicycle bells🔥🔥 (A tiny hint as to why the piece that premiered yesterday by the Norwegian Radio Orchestra is called “Birds and bells”….)

“The whole country’s orchestra” is the best group to work with ❤️ – we’re talking whistling, humming, shouting, bicycle playing, bird whistle blowing, bell ringing, clapping and just normal playing – all that I throw at them they perform with energy and warm musicality🤩

It was also great to work with NRK’s sound engineers (a Brompton bike in motion gets the best sound with 3 contact mics), producers (It’s not easy to find the right bike nr 2 for a composer with picky taste when it comes to the gear sound), music producers (what kind of container gives the best splashing sound ?) and all the people who were involved in the production😍

It was sooo fantastic to be part of Operafest Røykenvik! This is not something that happens everyday for a composer – having a premiere at the water’s edge, while the evening sun warms, for an audience of 1,600 who chuckle, laugh and enjoy themselves through the work. And slightly overwhelming that the work gets to share the stage with such great soloists and performers❤️