I’m thrilled that The Norwegian Soloist Choir will be performing my piece Laughing my head off / Singing your heart in again next year at none other than the Bergen International Festival! They’ll also perform the concert in Oslo a couple of days later.
The concert is titled “A musical conversation on consolation2 – and what a setting they’ve created for the piece: “In contrast to Bach’s baroque sound world, the concert also includes Mahler’s poetic Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen, Helmut Lachenmann’s Consolation, where a medieval prayer is fragmented into syllables and sounds, and a work by Bente L. Thorsen marked by sorrow, euphoria, and fits of laughter.” Read more on the festival’s website.
This news is out because next year’s Festival Musician is the Soloists Choir’s brilliant conductor, Grete Pedersen. I’m proud and honored that she’s including my piece in such a setting.