Norsk Potpourri – hits 18142014


Soprano and piano quintet


by Sunnmøre Chamber Music Festival, with support from Arts Council Norway


ca 13 minutter


Sunnmøre Festival for Chamber Music commissioned a 10-minute piece for their 2014 festival and wished for me to relate it to the anniversary of the Norwegian constitution in 1814. I set out to write a 600 second piece with 200 years of Norwegian music at my disposal.

The Norwegian title translates to “Norwegian Potpourri – hits 18142014”.

Video from the premiere

Concert recording (from the premiere)

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#db2b2b&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” iframe=”true” /]


Please contact the composer


World premiere


at Sunnmøre Chamber Music Festival 2014 by Berit Norbakken Solset, Annar Follesø, Sølve Sigerland, Eriikka Nylund, Jonathan Aasgaard and Wolfgang Plagge

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