Birds and bells




by The Norwegian Radio Orchestra with support from Arts Council Norway


4-5 min


This piece was commissioned by The Norwegian Radio Orchestra (KORK) to be a part of NRKs (The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) summer concert that was also the opening of Operafest Røykenvik

With inspiration from the sounds of  summer – birds, water, cycling and the progress of a summer hit, I have written a piece where the orchestra gets to whistle, hum, shout, sigh, play quite normally, play on a bicycle, bike bells and bird whistles. Because this was written for the musicians in KORK, I knew I could ask for a lot since these musicians are playful people who have a wide comfort zone.

The result is a work that occasionally kind of rocks, but which has the unmistakable “Bentemusik stamp” – with humour,  sonorous qualities and poetics of the everyday.

Video from the world premiere

(shown on NRK1 the 18th of august 2023)


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Read watermarked score here:

World premiere

by The Norwegian Radio Orchestra conducted by Gabriella Teychenné at Operafest Røykenvik 9th of June 2023

Other performances

The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation streamed the concert from June on TV, aired 18th of August 2023

The piece on the blog:

  • Birds and bells – world premiere

    Last friday The Norwegian Radio Orchestra (KORK) performed the world premiere of my newest work "Birds and bells" at Operafest Røykenvik! In front of an audience of 1,600, they were situated on…