Upcoming performances








26.05.25 19.00 Ellen Ugelvik with my ear to the ground (at the tips of my fingers)
Festspillene, Troldhaugen Bergen Norway
30.05.25 19.30 The Norwegian Soloists' Choir Laughing my head off / Singing your heart in
Holy Cross Church Bergen Norway
03.06.25 19.00 The Norwegian Soloists' Choir Laughing my head off / Singing your heart in
The Aula Oslo Norway

Concerts are in the process of being added to the English section; for the full overview, please visit the Norwegian page.

Map of Performances

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Previous Performances







15.12.24 OsloHorns As if no one’s watching
Uranienborg meninghetshus Oslo Norway
14.12.24 Susanne Kessel Who do you want to be
Beethoven-Haus Bonn Germany
11.12.24 OsloHorns As if no one’s watching
Eidsvoll Church Eidsvoll Norway
01.12.24 Ensemble kammerklang Can you hear me? (salt water variations)
Metodistkirken Sarpsborg Norway
30.11.24 Ensemble kammerklang Can you hear me? (salt water variations)
Teie Hovedgård Tønsberg Norway
22.08.24 The Norwegian Soloists' Choir Laughing my head off / Singing your heart in
På konsert Alltid klassisk NRK
23.06.24 The Norwegian Soloists' Choir Laughing my head off / Singing your heart in
Spillerom P2 NRK
16.06.24 The Norwegian Soloists' Choir Laughing my head off / Singing your heart in
Henie-Onstad Sandvika Norway
16.06.24 The Norwegian Soloists' Choir Laughing my head off / Singing your heart in
Hovedøya Oslo Norway
14.06.24 The Norwegian Soloists' Choir Laughing my head off / Singing your heart in
The Aula Oslo Norway
16.05.24 Sam Brown Lush darkness – glaring light
Royal Academy of Music London UK
14.04.24 Ensemble Kammerklang Tåkelur, section
Nøtterøy church Nøtterøy Norway
13.04.24 Ensemble Kammerklang Tåkelur, section
Horten kulturskole Horten Norway
09.03.24 Sophia Huf Lush darkness – glaring light
Leshowitz Recital Hall Montclair USA
08.03.24 Susanne Kessel Who do you want to be
Sophienkirke Wuppertal Germany
24.11.21 OsloHorns As if no one’s watching
The Norwegian Opera Oslo Norway
22.04.09 Små Grå Kaninkostymet
Litteraturhuset Oslo Norway

Some older concerts are not included in the overview.

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